
           Conference Timetable (Monday .Friday)


Saturday: 10th July 2004

            Social Event (Tourist trip)



Science Fair:

During the whole event a computer equipped classroom will be dedicated to Science Fair. The  classroom will be organised in islands, focused on specific scientific domains (Physics, chemistry, informatics, robotics,.. It will permit demonstrations and experimentations with different didactic solutions. The basic idea is to use it within various free intervals during the pre- conference and conference.  The Science fair could be then improved and repeated during the next Hsci events.


Paralell to the Conference several  meeting sessions aiming to prepare the submission of COMENIUS 1 School project, will be organised. Among others the the folowing topics will be covered: "Light and Colour" (for younger students), "Hands-on Optics at Secondary Schools", "The use of robotics on teaching Science at school"; "Sports' Robots";...